Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council - National Lido Ticket Portal

Privacy Policy

Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council - National Lido Privacy Policy

Datganiad Preifatrwydd Gwefannau

Mae’ch hawl chi i breifatrwydd yn bwysig iawn inni. Pan fyddwch chi’n dewis rhoi gwybodaeth amdanoch chi’ch hun inni, rydych chi’n ymddiried y byddwn ni’n gweithredu mewn ffordd gyfrifol, ac rydyn ni’n cydnabod hynny. Mae'r canlynol yn cynnwys yr arferion casglu gwybodaeth, prosesu a storio ar gyfer y wefan yma.  Dylech chi ddarllen yr wybodaeth yma yn ogystal â hysbysiad preifatrwydd corfforaethol y Cyngor.

Gwybodaeth a gasglwn

Pan fydd rhywun yn ymweld â'r wefan yma, rydyn ni'n casglu gwybodaeth logio safonol a gwybodaeth ddiagnostig. Rydyn ni'n gwneud hyn er mwyn darganfod pethau fel nifer yr ymwelwyr i wahanol rannau o'r wefan ac er mwyn adnabod a datrys problemau. Rydyn ni'n casglu'r wybodaeth yma mewn ffordd lle nad yw hi'n bosibl i adnabod unrhyw un o'r data. Fyddwn ni ddim yn cysylltu unrhyw ddata sydd wedi'i gasglu yn y dull yma gydag unrhyw wybodaeth bersonol o unrhyw ffynhonnell.

Os byddwch chi'n dewis cwblhau unrhyw un o'n ffurflenni electronig (e-Ffurflenni), bydd eich data personol yn cael ei rannu gyda'r maes gwasanaeth perthnasol er mwyn iddo brosesu eich cais.

Os ydych chi'n dewis cofrestru ar gyfer ein gwasanaeth e-bost, byddwn ni'n rhannu'r wybodaeth bersonol sydd ei hangen i ddarparu'r gwasanaeth gyda Gwasanaeth Gov.UK Notify. Mae gan wefan Gov.UK Notify fanylion ar sut mae eich data yn cael ei brosesu, ei gadw a'i ddiogelu.

Sut rydyn ni'n amddiffyn eich gwybodaeth

Mae'r holl wybodaeth sydd wedi cael ei mewnbynnu i'n e-Ffurflenni yn cael ei throsglwyddo i'n gweinyddion. Bydd yr wybodaeth yn cael ei storio yn ein System Rheoli Perthynas Cwsmeriaid a/neu yn cael ei hanfon at adrannau gwasanaeth perthnasol.

Bydd yr wybodaeth rydych chi'n ei rhoi yn cael ei phrosesu yn unol â darpariaethau deddfwriaeth diogelu data. Serch hynny, mae gan y cyngor ddyletswydd i amddiffyn arian cyhoeddus a gall ddefnyddio'r wybodaeth er mwyn atal a chanfod twyll.

Does dim modd i'r Cyngor wybod a yw'r person sy'n rhoi gwybodaeth trwy'r wefan yma yn dweud y gwir am bwy ydyn nhw. Byddwn ni'n tybio bod yr holl wybodaeth yn ddilys ac yn gywir, a fyddwn ni ddim yn gallu bod yn gyfrifol am unrhyw gamau gweithredu sy'n cael eu cymryd yn ei sgîl. Os oes unrhyw reswm gyda chi i feddwl bod rhywun wedi rhoi gwybodaeth i'r Cyngor gan ddefnyddio'ch hunaniaeth chi, rhowch wybod trwy gysylltu â’r Gwasanaethau i Gwsmeriaid.

Cysylltiadau Allanol

Efallai bydd y wefan yma'n cynnwys cysylltiadau i wefannau eraill, adrannau eraill y Llywodraeth a gwefannau sefydliadau eraill, fel ei gilydd. Mae'r polisi preifatrwydd yma'n berthnasol i'n gwefan yn unig, ac felly byddwch yn effro pan fyddwch chi'n symud i wefan arall. Darllenwch ddatganiad preifatrwydd unrhyw wefan sy'n casglu gwybodaeth bersonol.

Newidiadau i'r polisi preifatrwydd yma

Os bydd y polisi preifatrwydd yma'n newid mewn unrhyw ffordd, byddwn ni'n rhoi'r fersiwn diweddaraf ar y dudalen yma. Trwy adolygu'r dudalen yma'n rheolaidd, byddwch chi'n gwybod, bob tro, am yr wybodaeth a gasglwn, sut byddwn ni'n ei defnyddio ac o dan ba amgylchiadau, os o gwbl, y byddwn ni'n ei rhannu gyda phartïon eraill.

Cysylltwch â Ni

Hoffech chi eglurhad neu wybodaeth ychwanegol ynglŷn â'r manylion sydd wedi'u nodi yn y polisi preifatrwydd yma? Croeso ichi gysylltu â’r Gwasanaethau i Gwsmeriaid, ac fe fyddwn ni'n hapus i ymdrin â'ch cais



Website Privacy Statement

Your right to privacy is very important to us and we recognise that when you choose to provide us with information about yourself, you trust us to act in a responsible manner. The following covers the information collection, processing and storage practices for this website.  This information should be read in conjunction with the Council’s Corporate Privacy Notice.

Information we collect

When someone visits this website we collect standard log information and diagnostic information. We do this to find out things such as the number of visitors to the various parts of the site and to identify and resolve issues. We collect this information in a way which does not identify anyone.  We will not associate any data gathered by this means with any personally identifying information from any source.

If you choose to complete any of our electronic forms (e-Forms) your personal data will be shared with the relevant service area in order for them to process your request.

If you choose to sign up to our email service, we will share personal information necessary to provide the service with the Gov.UK Notify Service  The Gov.UK Notify website details how they process, store and secure your data.

How we protect your information

All information input into our e-Forms is securely transferred to our servers.  The information will be stored within our Customer Relationship Management System and/or sent to relevant service sections.

The information that you provide will be processed in accordance with the provisions of the data protection legislation. However, the council has a duty to protect public funds and may use the information for the purpose of preventing and detecting fraud.

The council has no way of knowing if any person providing information through this site is who they say they are. We shall assume all information is genuine and cannot be held responsible for any action taken as a result of relying on it. If you have any reason to think someone has provided information to the council using your identity please let us know by contacting customer services.

External Links

This site may contain links to other websites, both those of government departments and of other organisations. This privacy policy applies only to our site, so you should always be aware when you are moving to another site and read the privacy statement of any site which collects personal information.

Changes to this privacy policy

If this privacy policy changes in any way, we will place an updated version on this page. Regularly reviewing this page ensures you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it and under what circumstances, if any, we will share it with other parties.

Contact Us

If you would like any clarity or further information regarding the details stated in this privacy policy please contact  customer services and we would be happy to deal with your enquiry.

DigiTickets Privacy Policy

Who we are

In this privacy policy references to "we", "us" and "our" are to Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council - National Lido. References to "our Website" or "the Website" are to rctcbcnationallido.digitickets.co.uk.

Information collected and its use

The information we collect via the Website may include:

  1. Any personal details you knowingly provide us with through forms and our email, such as name, address, telephone number etc.
  2. In order to effectively process credit or debit card transactions it may be necessary for the bank or card processing agency to verify your personal details for authorisation outside the European Economic Area (EEA). Such information will not be transferred out of the EEA for any other purpose.
  3. Your preferences and use of email updates, recorded by emails we send you (if you select to receive email updates on products and offers).
  4. Your IP Address, this is a string of numbers unique to your computer that is recorded by our web server when you request any page or component on the Website. This information is used to monitor your usage of the Website.
  5. Information about your device such as your web browser, screen resolution and operating system. This information is used to ensure we continue to support the different devices used by our customers.
  6. Data recorded by the Website which allows us to recognise you and your preferred settings, this saves you from re-entering information on return visits to the site. Such data is recorded locally on your computer through the use of cookies. Most browsers can be programmed to reject, or warn you before downloading cookies, information regarding this may be found in your browsers 'help' facility.

We do not store any credit card details.

What we do with your information

Any personal information we collect from this website will be used in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and other applicable laws. The details we collect will be used:

  1. To process your order, to provide after sales service (we may pass your details to another organisation to supply/deliver products or services you have purchased and/or to provide after-sales service);
  2. In certain cases we may use your email address to send you information on our other products and services. In such a case you will be offered the option to opt in/out before completing your purchase.

We may need to pass the information we collect to other companies for administrative purposes. We may use third parties to carry out certain activities, such as processing and sorting data, monitoring how customers use the Website and issuing our e-mails for us. Third parties will not be allowed to use your personal information for their own purposes.

Cookie Policy

Like many websites we use cookies to store and then retrieve small bits of information on your computer when you visit. This information is used to make the site work as you expect it to. It is not personally identifiable to you, but it can be used to give you a more personalised web experience.

Some of the information stored is put there by other companies whose software we have added to the site, and this can also impact your experience of other websites you may visit after leaving ours.

If you continue to use this site without taking action to prevent the storage of this information, you are effectively agreeing to this use.

If you want to learn more about the general uses of cookies, including how to stop them being stored by your computer, please visit Cookiepedia - all about cookies.

Below is a list of the different types of cookies used on this site, and an explanation of what they are used for. If you would like any more information, please get in touch.



Expiration Time


Shopping Basket


24 minutes

This cookie is used to keep track of what items are in a user's shopping basket.

Cookie Consent


1 year

This cookie is used to monitor the users consent for analytical cookies on our site. No user data is collected without this being enabled.

Google Analytics


2 years

These cookies are used to collect information about how visitors use our site. We use the information to compile reports and to help us improve the site. The cookies collect information in an anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the site, where visitors have come to the site from and the pages they visited.
Read Google's overview of privacy and safeguarding data


24 hours


1 minute

Microsoft Clarity


1 year

These cookies are used to collect information about how visitors use our site. We use the information to compile reports and to help us improve the site. The cookies collect information in an anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the site and how they interact with the website.
Read Microsoft Clarity's Cookie Overview and Data Retention Policy.


1 year


1 year


1 year


1 year


1 year


1 year

New Relic


1 year

This cookie is used to collect information about visitor's experience of the site in terms of performance. This helps us to monitor that our systems are working quickly and effectively, and to identify any problematic areas.
Visit the New Relic website

Your Rights

You have the right to request a copy of any information that we currently hold about you. In order to receive such information please send your contact details including address to the following address:
Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council - National Lido
Ynysangharad War Memorial Park, Pontypridd
CF37 4PE

Other websites

This privacy policy only covers this website. Any other websites which may be linked to by our website are subject to their own policy, which may differ from ours.